Birmingham best dental crowns - Comfort Plus Family Dental (205) 833-5405 - affordable dental crowns in Birmingham, AL

Birmingham is the most populous city in Alabama with a beehive of dentist activities. The presence of high ranking health colleges and universities such as University of Alabama School of Medicine and University of Alabama School of Dentistry in Birmingham prides itself as a health conscious city and healthcare and dental hub. UAB school of dentistry in Birmingham is consistently ranked in top 10 dental colleges in the nation. Good oral hygiene is a good start to healthy life and positive associations. Due to various reasons  personal and economic reasons, you might have failed to achieve healthy teeth and optimal smile. You should consider getting a dental crown in Birmingham, Alabama  if you need to conceal or strengthen a damaged tooth. This is the best locality to get a dental crown due to the medical interest in the area. Do you know what a dental crown is? Do you know how helpful it could be for your teeth? Let’s get you ready for the process.

A Dental crown (commonly known as cap) is a tooth shaped covering which is placed over the tooth to improve its appearance, enhance its strength and restore its initial shape, size and gloss. It is a fixed object, when cemented onto a tooth will fully replace the visible section of tooth lying above the gum. Unlike other dentures, once a dental crown is in place, only a dentist is capable of removing it. The major reason for fixing a dental crown is to conceal a damaged tooth. However, it also improves strength, appearance and uniformity in the mouth.


There is need for a crown to be fixed on your tooth if you encounter the following;

  • Weak tooth: This could be due to gross decay and poor hygiene. It may be important to fill it up with a dental crown to prevent it from breaking apart.
  • A worn out or broken tooth: Poor oral hygiene could lead to decay by bacteria. Such a situation could be salvaged by dental crowns.
  • Dental bridge stability: If you need to improve the stability of a dental bridge, this is the right thing to do.
  • Cosmetic reasons: If you have a discolored tooth and wished it glowed like it once was, then you should get a dental crown in Birmingham
  • Critical oral issues in children: Children usually have a hard time keeping up with the need to have an adequate oral hygiene at the early stages of life; even after the initial loss of milk teeth. This leads to very bad teeth development. In gross cases, a crown could be used to salvage the situation. Due to the inability of kids to maintain proper oral hygiene, the stainless steel crown is recommended for durability and less need to care for it.

Types of Dental Crowns

There are basically four types of dental crowns. Just like every other thing in life, there exist pros and cons for each of them. Before taking sides with any of them, consider their functions.

  1. Base metal dental crowns: Stainless steel and metallic crowns are usually used for children. It is used to fill up a primary tooth prepared for its fit. It is often used in cases of tooth decay in children to stop further decay. On further development of the natural tooth, the crown adjusts and makes a perfect fit. It is highly recommended for kids due to the cost effectiveness and lesser number of visits to the dentist. Compared to other crowns, it has the least friction or resistance to the upper opposing tooth. It also has a very good resistance to chewing forces and has strong wear resistance. The con associated with this crown is that it gives a different color to the regular teeth which renders it cosmetically unfit. It is also advised to be used for molars which are the back benchers in the teeth set due to this color defect and its better grinding-ability and resistance to wear.

Birmingham best metal dental crowns - Comfort Plus Family Dental (205) 833-5405 - affordable dental crowns in Birmingham, AL

  1. Ceramic dental crowns: They are preferred when a perfect cosmetology is needed. They provide a perfect color blend with the natural teeth. They are a perfect choice for the front teeth; however, they are not as durable as metal base and porcelain metal fused crowns. They are also a good alternative for people with metal allergies.

Birmingham best metal dental crowns - Comfort Plus Family Dental (205) 833-5405 - affordable dental crowns in Birmingham, AL

  1. Gold alloy dental crowns: This often involves fusing gold with other metals to form a strong blend. The metals often used are gold, chromium, palladium and nickel. They are durable and have a strong resistance to wear but pose a cosmetic defect as other metals.

Birmingham best gold dental crowns - Comfort Plus Family Dental (205) 833-5405 - affordable dental crowns in Birmingham, AL

  1. Porcelain-metal fused dental crowns: As the name implies, they are constructed with a blend of porcelain and metal. They are durable and withstand wear to the opposing tooth. In certain cases, the metal underlay could be visible as a dark line. This is cosmetically unacceptable.

Birmingham best procelain dental crowns - Comfort Plus Family Dental (205) 833-5405 - affordable dental crowns in Birmingham, AL

Steps Involved in Preparing a Tooth for a Crown?

Fixing a crown on a tooth usually involves two visits to the dentist. Sometimes it could be a one step process if the health center has a dental lab in its premises.

  • The 1st visit is the analysis, examining and tooth preparation session. X-rays are taken to check the surrounding bones and roots of the tooth receiving the crown. If the tooth is severely damaged as a result of tooth decay, a root canal treatment will be done prior to crowning. Before making a dental crown, the area of concentration is numbed with anesthetics. Then the tooth to be crowned will be filed down to a suitable size to accept the crown. However, in a situation of gross decay and total tooth destruction, the tooth will be filled up with a filling material up to the required level. An impression will be made on the area and a temporary dental crown (usually made of acrylics) will be cemented unto the tooth. The impression will be sent to a dental lab for production of the permanent crown.
  • The 2nd visit involves the removal of the temporary dental crown and cementing the permanent one.

How to Care For Your Dental Crown?

  • Basically, all you have to do is keep a proper oral hygiene
  • Like your normal tooth, brush your tooth twice daily
  • Do not take very hot food.
  • Do not use your teeth to open hard objects.

PS: Good oral hygiene will not only save your dental crown but it will keep your teeth healthy and prevent the need for a dental crown for another tooth.

What Problems Could Develop With a Dental Crown?

  1. Discomfort or sensitivity is normal briefly after the effect of the anesthetic wears off. You will get used to your new tooth soon. However, if you notice pain when biting, you should contact you dentist.
  2. Chipped crown: Metal base crowns hardly have such problems. Porcelain crowns could chip. If it is a small chip, it could be easily patched up but if it’s big, the crown should be replaced.
  3. Loose crown: Poor cementing could cause loose dental crowns. If you live with it, bacteria could get in and cause decay. You should contact your dentist to fix this.
  4. Allergic reaction: Metal base dental crowns could cause allergies in some people due to mixture of metals. People who encounter this should opt for a porcelain dental crown.

After a complete dental crown procedure, you might feel strange using your tooth. It’s a synthetic attachment and it is only natural to feel so. After a while, your new crown should fully function as the normal tooth without inadequacies. If you notice something unusual, report to your dentist. If you need a dental crown in Birmingham, visit us.  Rated as best dentist in Birmingham, AL by several national and international organizations, Dr. Gutti will educate you on several options available for your unique oral conditional, and empower you with knowledge to make right decision. Call or email us today.

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